Societat Urbanística Metropolitana de Rehabilitació i Gestió, SA(REGESA) is a private company dedicated to urban planning, which takes the form of public limited liability company wholly owned by the Consell Comarcal del Barcelonès.
REGESA APARCAMENTS I SERVEIS, SA is a single-member public liability company, with its capital fully subscribed by REGESA.
REGESA and REGESA APARCAMENTS I SERVEIS act as a technical service and a resource themselves of Consell Comarcal del Barcelonès, the councils of the municipalities of its region (Badalona, Barcelona, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs and Santa Coloma de Gramenet) and instrumental bodies dependent, from which can receive commissioned managements and orders, for the purposes of the provisions of Law 30/2007, governing Public Sector Contracts.
REGESA and REGESA APARCAMENTS I SERVEIS are a special urban development bodies in accordance with the Urban Planning Law of Catalonia 1/2005 of 26th july, for wholly state-owned limited liability companies.
On 31st October 2007, Law 30/2007 governing Public Sector Contracts (hereinafter LCSP) was published in Official State Bulletin (BOE) 1a. Since the law came into force, and in compliance with the stipulations of art. 3, REGESA and REGESA APARCAMENTS I SERVEIS has been part of the public sector, and is considered an adjudicating power, but not a local government power.
This condition binds REGESA and REGESA APARCAMENTS I SERVEIS to the LCSP regime application, determining, in a series of Instructions and Internal Recruitment Guidelines, the regulation of contracting procedures for building contracts, supplies and services that come in below the maximum amounts specified by the harmonised contract processes, with the aim of guaranteeing that the contract will be awarded to the most advantageous offer and that the principles of freedom of access to tenders, advertising, transparency of procedures and non-discrimination and equality of treatment for all candidates are complied with.
Instructions and Internal Recruitment Guidelines (PDF, 270 KB)Approved by the Managing Director of Regesa as of June 10, 2008 and with the agreement of Ple del Consell Comarcal del Barcelonès as of December 3, 2008.
This document is only available in Catalan.